What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 3 Eggs for a Week!
|Some people think that they shouldn’t consume to many eggs, because they are high in cholesterol. But let me say this – they are definitely wrong. In this article we are going to mention some of the most important health benefits of eating eggs.
You will remain satiated
As we all know, eggs are packed with protein. So, the rich presence or protein makes this food one of the best sources of protein, compared with other foods that contain protein. So, if you eat eggs, you will fill fuller for a longer time and the high presence of protein will kill the hunger.
You will lose fat
As we mentioned, the eggs will keep us fuller for a longer time. So, we can easily say that the eggs are also related with weight loss. The participants in a recent study had to consume caloric intake, in the form of eggs or bagels. So, the study has found that the group with eggs lost 65% more body weight, 16% more body fat and they had 34% greater reduction in waist size, compared to the second group, who had bagels.
Your skin and hair will improve
Well, this super healthy food is loaded with many healthy nutrients and vitamins, such as: Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B12. As we all know, the B-complex Vitamins are essential and extremely useful for healthy skin, hair and liver. They also improve the brain function and the nervous system.
Your bones and teeth will become stronger
As we all know, the Vitamin D is extremely important for healthy bones and teeth. Actually, this vitamin is needed for proper absorption of calcium. And eggs are a great source of Vitamin D. so, you should eat eggs for healthy bones.
You gain necessary amino acids
The human body actually needs 20 different essential amino acids in order to live and function properly. The human body can produce 11 of these essential amino acids, and you can find the rest of these essential amino acids in eggs. You should consume eggs, because lack of these essential amino acids can cause fatigue, weakness, muscle wasting and weakened immune system.
You will have more energy
Did you know that a single egg contains almost 15% of your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of riboflavin – or Vitamin B2. As we mentioned before, there are many B Vitamins in the egg and they all help the body to turn the food we consume into fuel and to give you more energy.
You may reduce stress
As we said before, the eggs contain the 9 essential amino acids, which the body can’t produce. Well, these amino acids can help many systems and organs in the human body. If you don’t consume enough of these amino acids, you may get some mental side effects. A recent study, conducted by group of researchers at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has found that diet rich in lysine (essential amino acid) can reduce the anxiety and stress, because it regulates the levels of serotonin in the human body.
It will boost your immune system
One large egg can provide 22% of the Recommended Daily Value (RDA) of selenium. Selenium is a compound, which is essential for the immune system and thyroid hormones. So, when your immune system is boosted and when it’s working properly – your body can easily fight and resist infections, viruses and diseases.
Your brain is enhanced
Do you know what’s choline? Well, if you don’t know, then let me explain it for you – choline is a compound of the cell membranes. This compound is necessary to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Medical experts have found that lack of this compound can create neurological issues and decreased cognitive functioning. Well, eggs contain high amounts of choline.
You can improve your cholesterol
Yes, eggs (egg yolk) contain high amounts of cholesterol. But, the medical experts claim that eggs can improve your cholesterol, by raising the levels of the good cholesterol (HDL).
Reduce the risk of heart disease
As we said, the eggs can raise the levels of good cholesterol. So, by raising the good, they also increase the size of the particles of bad cholesterol (LDL). But, increased doesn’t mean it’s bad. The small and dense LDL particles are more likely to lead to heart disease.
You should consume eggs, but consume them in moderation. As you can see, they can provide many health benefits for you and your health in general. We really hope you enjoyed this post and please share it with your friends and family. Thank You.