The number of people who are taking magnesium supplements to boost their intake of this vital mineral and to use its health benefits is constantly increasing. There are many different types of magnesium supplements. Did you know that magnesium must be bound to another substance or mineral before it can be absorbed by the human body?

Well yes, all magnesium supplements come in different form and they provide different health benefits. In this article, we are going to show you the best and the worst forms of magnesium supplements that you can find on the pharmaceutical market today. And we really hope that you will choose the best one for you. These are the best forms of magnesium supplements.

The Best Forms of Magnesium

Magnesium citrate – this form of magnesium supplement is the most popular magnesium supplement. It’s because this supplement is cheap and it’s easily absorbed by the human body. As we all know, citric acid acts as a mild laxative. So, this type of magnesium supplement (magnesium citrate) functions as a constipation aid and as an excellent magnesium source. This type of magnesium supplement is a great choice for people who have rectal or colon problems. People who have loose bowel movements shouldn’t use this supplement.

Magnesium taurate – this type of magnesium supplement is the best choice for people who suffer from cardiovascular problems. This magnesium supplement can prevent arrhythmias and it guards the heart from damage caused by heart attacks. This magnesium supplement is easily absorbed because magnesium and taurine stabilize the cell membranes together. And we can also mention that this magnesium supplement contains no laxative properties.

Magnesium malate – this type of magnesium supplement is a great choice for people who suffer from fatigue. This is because malic acid (natural fruit acid present in most cells in the human body) is a vital compound of enzymes that play a major role in ATP synthesis and energy production. And you should also know that ionic bonds of magnesium and malic acid are easily broken – so, this type of magnesium supplement is highly soluble as well.

Magnesium glycinate – this type of magnesium supplement is made when magnesium is bound with glycine – non-essential amino acid. Magnesium glycinate is one of the most bioavailable and absorbable forms of magnesium and also the least likely to induce diarrhea. But, this type of magnesium supplement is the safest option for correcting a long term deficiency

Magnesium chloride – magnesium chloride contains just 12% of elemental magnesium. This type of magnesium supplement has an impressive absorption rate and it’s the best form of magnesium to consume for cell and tissue detox. And we can also say that the chloride compound (don’t mix it with chlorine – the toxic gas) improves the kidney function and it boosts the metabolism.

Magnesium carbonate – this type of magnesium supplement is also very popular, bioavailable form of magnesium. This type of magnesium supplement actually turns into magnesium chloride when it’s mixed with the hydrochloric acid in our stomach. People who suffer from indigestion and acid reflux should consume this magnesium supplement because it contains antacid properties.

The Worst Forms of Magnesium                                            

Magnesium oxide – this type of magnesium supplement is the most common form of magnesium sold in all pharmacies. This type of magnesium is non-chelated and possesses a poor absorption rate, compared to the magnesium supplements listed above in this article.

Magnesium sulfate – this magnesium supplement is also called Epsom salt. This magnesium supplement is an amazing constipation aid, but unfortunately, it’s an unsafe source of dietary magnesium. It’s unsafe because overdosing on it is very easy.

Magnesium glutamate and aspartate – you should most definitely avoid these 2 forms of magnesium. The glutamic acid and aspartic acid are components of the dangerous artificial sweetener – aspartame. And we can also say that they both are neurotoxic compounds when they are unbound to other amino acids.

Well, there you have it, folks. The best and the worst forms of magnesium supplements. Now you know the good and the bad types of magnesium supplements, so the next time you buy magnesium supplement – make sure you choose wisely. Thanks for reading and share this article with your friends and family.


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