She Went To Feed Her Baby And She Noticed Tiny Black Dots In Her Nose. Now Hear Her Dire Warning…
|Vanilla, chocolate, apple, cinnamon – these are all scents of many different nice smelling candles and we all like to have them in our house. The scented candles have so many uses – you can light one up when you are having a nice and relaxing bath, or when you want to have private moments with your partner. Yes, these nice smelling candles can set the mood unlike anything else.
But, a recent study has discovered that the scented candles can do more harm than good. The famous professor Alastair Lewis, from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of New York, has found that the most common ingredients, which is used by the manufacturers and which gives to the candles their nice smell actually transforms into poisonous gas – formaldehyde when burned.
Make sure you watch the video bellow. You will find out more about the dangers of scented candles. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.