Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells. THIS IS MIND BLOWING

According to study, published in the Washington Post, back in the 1974, researchers have stated that THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) could slow the growth of lung cancer cells, breast cancer cells and a virus-induced leukemia. The researchers conducted this study on laboratory mice’s and prolonged their lives by as much as 36%. But, after that study, nothing … Read more

Liver Dysfunction Is Revealed By Bloating, Freckles On The Skin, Itching And Acne

Fatty liver is becoming a common problem among people. This is all because of the unhealthy lifestyle habits, and all liver problems should be treated as soon as possible, because liver’s weakening can be life-threatening as well. The liver is the main body cleanser. The liver’s role is to eliminate the harmful and dangerous toxins … Read more

Lose Weight In Just 3 Weeks: Maybe There Are 10 lbs of Toxins Hidden in Your Intestines. It’s Time to flush them out!

You need to cleanse your intestines and flush all the excess mucus, fecal material and other different and harmful parasites from them. If you do this method regularly, you will protect yourselves from many different diseases and infections. 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluids pass through our intestines for a period of … Read more

Disease Carried by Human Corpses and Flies: Flesh Eating Skin Disease Spreads in Syria (Video)

  They can blame the ISIS terrorist members for the appearing of this deadly disease.  Besides the war and the political conflict which stroke Syria for the last few years, Syrian people are dealing now with another dangerous threat. The collapse of medical services in terrorist-controlled parts of Syria has caused the spread of a … Read more

HE ALMOST DIED: He Wanted to Whiten His Teeth with This Product and Now He Has a Hole in His Throat

A guy from Britain, Jake Barrett, 22, almost died after using tooth whitening kit. Barrett wanted to have white and perfect teeth just like his favorite Hollywood actor Channing Tatum. Jake bought the “3D Crest White” tooth whitening kit online and paid 65 pounds for it. Just after 48 hours of using this whitening kit, … Read more

How to Grow Your Own Blueberries

Why Blueberries? Blueberries are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. These delicious fruits are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber. They are perfect for healthy snacks, making into preserves and pies, or canning and freezing for winter. Growing your own plants is easy provided you keep a few things in mind … Read more

You Suffer From Acid Reflux? – This Homemade Drink Will Solve Your Problem!

Acid reflux is the backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus — the tube that connects the throat and stomach. Acid reflux is more specifically known as gastro esophageal reflux. During acid reflux, you may taste regurgitated food or sour liquid at the back of your mouth or feel a burning sensation in your … Read more

Shocking: Scientist Who “Discovered” ADHD Now Claims It’s a Fake Disease

Leon Eisenberg or the so called “scientific father of ADHD” in his last interview said that the disease he discovered, ADHD, is a prime example of a fictitious disease. Leon Eisenberg, according to Psychiatric News, received the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. Dr. Eisenberg was a leader in child psychiatry for more … Read more