Here’s What Will Happen if You Eat Honey And Cinnamon Every Day

Scientists claim that honey is extremely efficient ingredient in treating many health conditions, and when it’s combined with cinnamon – it becomes even more powerful weapon against all types of viruses, it lowers high cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. It’s also beneficial for treating other health conditions as well. It may seem impossible, but … Read more

Beetroot Yeast – The Best Russian Recipe For All Diseases: It Saves After Chemotherapy And Prescription Medications!

Yeast is a traditional Russian recipe for fermented drink and it is very useful and beneficial for our health. It contains components that activate the liver function, kidneys and intestines. It is made by fermenting a staled bread and/or beetroot. According to some medical researchers, study experts have found that drinking beetroot yeast beet prevents … Read more

This Recipe Is Really – A Miracle! It Will Cure Your Joint Pain In Just One Day

A lot of people in the world experience awful pain in their joins. This joint pain usually occurs in the knees, shoulders or their elbows. Some people think that this pain occurs as a result of the aging process. But, wait – we’ve all seen many different young people who have joint pain as well, … Read more

Extremely Powerful Mixture: It Strengthens And Helps You Build Stronger Bones!

This is ancient and effective recipe for strengthening your bones and an extremely useful remedy for building stronger bones. This ancient recipe originates from Greece. But, don’t worry, because it’s made from ingredients you can buy in the local health store. So, there are no excuses for not making this remedy, especially if you have … Read more

Here are the answers of the top 8 health questions people asked Google this year!

Many people in the world, if they experience some kind of health problem or any type of pain, they don’t go the doctor’s office immediately! They just sit, take their laptop and ask solution for their health problems online. And the most common and famous “answerer” to all their questions, including the health related is … Read more

Breaking News: Venezuela banned GMOs and prohibits the patenting of seeds

The country has recently adopted a law which prohibits the production, distribution and import of genetically modified  (GM) seeds. The victory is being celebrated across the world, with anti-GMO proponents viewing this as just one more sign that activist efforts’ are working. GM Watch reports that the law has taken years of collective grassroots effort to construct and has been … Read more