Lose Weight In Just 3 Weeks: Maybe There Are 10 lbs of Toxins Hidden in Your Intestines. It’s Time to flush them out!
You need to cleanse your intestines and flush all the excess mucus, fecal material and other different and harmful parasites from them. If you do this method regularly, you will protect yourselves from many different diseases and infections. 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluids pass through our intestines for a period of 70 years. This implies that almost 10 lbs of fecal material and toxic debris are “stocked” in our intestines. These harmful and toxic substances are poisoning our blood and make unrecoverable damage to the entire body.
These are the most common symptoms which indicate that your body needs bowel cleansing:
- Kidneys and liver diseases
- Arthritis
- Hearing and sight problems
- Frequent constipation
- Overweight and underweight
- Damaged metabolism
- Your hair, skin and nails are in bad state
- Cancer and other diseases
With the enema treatment, you can clean just a small part of your colon. It will clean just 40-50 centimeters. The cleansing enema treatment with special equipment is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. If you wish to clean your intestines from all that toxic waste in all natural way, then we have the right answer for you.
With consuming 1-3 tablespoons of linseed flour for three weeks, in the morning, you can completely clean your intestines from the mucus and fecal deposits, or parasites. This natural cleansing method provides fast weight normalization and fat burning. It has a positive effect on the regulation of lipid metabolism. Linseed flour can absorb and eliminate the toxins from the body and reduce your cholesterol levels.
This natural homemade cleansing method can help you reduce the side effects of many health conditions, such as: gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, urinary tract diseases, cystitis, pyelonephritis, obesity or improper digestion.
You need to eat this, instead of breakfast for 3 weeks:
- First week: 1 tbs. of linseed flour mixed with 3.3 oz / 100 ml kefir;
- Second week: 2 tbs. of linseed flour mixed with 3.3 oz / 100 ml kefir;
- Third week: 3 tbs. of linseed flour mixed with 5 oz / 150 ml kefir;
What Is Kefir And How To Make Your Own Kefir At Home!