How to clean heart blockages with garlic and lemon mixture

Both of lemon and garlic are unquestionably one of the most beneficial and most effective foods that people can actually consume because they are both loaded with lots of nutrients and they also offer amazing health benefits for the entire body.


Lemon contains a lot of health benefits and it’s all due to its sustaining elements, which includes Vitamins A, C, D and B6, as well as folate, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and even protein. It is a kind of fruit that contains flavonoids, which is compound that have both of antioxidant and cancer-fighting components. It can also assist in inhibiting diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, as well as fever, indigestion. It has the ability to enhance the skin, hair and even the teeth.

Studies that was originated from American Urological Association have highlighted the fact that lemonade or lemon juice itself can actually get rid the incidence of kidney stones by simply creating urinary citrate that can has the ability to avoid the creation of crystals. Moreover, a lot of people have been using lemon as a washing agent due to its ability to get rid of those annoying stains. The scent that lemons contain can actually use as a repellant to mosquitoes, while on the other hand, consuming lemon juice with the combination of olive oil can also assist in removing gallstones. Lemon has become really popular in every countries of the world due to its numerous uses and health benefits.


Garlic has been known as a kind of bulbous plant which fits in to the family of lilies. This kind of plant originally came from central Asia. There are around more than 300 varieties of garlic as of today and they are being cultivated more often on those temperate and cold climates. Most of people thought that garlic can only be used as a food; little did they know that it can also become beneficial in both medical and pharmaceutical industry.

Furthermore, garlic contains a compound which is known as Allicin and this compound contains an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal components, aside of that, some people are starting to conclude that it can also help in preventing cancer, as well. Garlic also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which includes manganese, selenium, fiber, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as Vitamins B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C.

The combination of these two amazing and beneficial ingredients is known to be extremely stronger. It offers numerous possibilities as a natural medicine and it has the ability to effectively help you in enhancing the circulation of your blood, as well as unblocking the arteries and even lowering the high levels of cholesterol.

When you are suffering from high levels of cholesterol, the LDL or also known as bad cholesterol will eventually accumulate in your main arteries. As a result, heart attack and other kinds of heart issues may happen.

Fortunately, there are a lot of remedies that can actually aid in fighting against these kinds of health conditions. Today, we will be showing you an effective and 100% natural remedy that have the ability to meaningfully enhance the circulation of your blood, as well as cleanses the blocked arteries and even lowering the cholesterol levels in your blood.

A lot of people are not even informed or not even aware about the health benefits and positive effects that both of lemon and garlic contains to their entire body and there is a lot more when they are combined all together. As a matter of fact, we have mentioned it already, they can actually help you in reducing the levels of cholesterol in your blood, as well as cleaning the clogged arteries that you have even enhancing the circulation of blood.



  • 3 cups of raw organic honey
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 cup of garlic juice

Method of Preparation:

  • Put all of the said ingredients in a bigger pot and boil all of them for at least half an hour.
  • Leave it in order to cool down before adding around 3 cups of raw garlic honey.
  • Combine all of them thoroughly.
  • Transfer the mixture in a glass and then store it in the fridge.


  • Take at least 1 tablespoon of this amazing remedy before your breakfast on a regular basis.

How will this remedy work?

This kind of home and all natural remedy should be consumed by those people who are suffering from heart blockage, heart disease, as well as constipation and ulcers. Also, it has the ability to stimulate the process of weight loss. It can also be used as a preventive measure for heart attacks and other heart conditions.

What makes this remedy truly amazing is due to its potent and all natural ingredients. In fact, garlic has the ability to lessen high blood pressure, as well as both of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition, it can also reduce weight and it is loaded with antibacterial components. On the other hand, ginger can actually help in inhibiting heart conditions, as well as to elevate the flow of the blood. Also, it has the ability to improve energy levels and even to fight against the symptoms of colds. Lemons can actually control the beat of the heart, as well as to enhance the function of it. Nonetheless, apple cider vinegar will help assist your body in detoxifying and even to lose some weight. Lastly, honey can also help you in lowering your cholesterol levels and even reducing the chance of suffering from any kind of heart diseases.



  • 30 cloves of garlic
  • 6 pieces of lemons

Method of Preparation:

  • Take all of the ingredients and wash them.
  • Slice and peel both of lemon and garlic into pieces.
  • Put them in a blender; add some amount of water before combining completely.
  • Transfer the mixture in a pot and add another 2 liters of water and leave it in order to boil for at least 5 minutes.
  • Lastly, leave it to cool down before placing in a glass jar.
  • Store the mixture in the fridge afterwards.


  • Consume this wonderful and effective natural remedy for at least 20 consecutive days. Then take a break of 7 days before continuing with another 20 more days.
  • Consume around 5 millimeter on a regular basis.

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