Sinus pain is an annoying problem to have – it can make your breathing difficult and can also be quite painful in the winter. Painkillers rarely help, and the chemicals they contain can make the problem worse. However, you should know that there is a natural remedy which can help and treat the problem without side-effects.

This treatment has been used to treat sinusitis and nasal congestion by the Indians for centuries. It will reduce the amount of mucus in your sinuses and lungs, relieve headaches, improve your breathing and reduce snoring. To perform the treatment, you’ll need a nasal cleaner which is easily available and present in most pharmacies or online. The process is simple .

Step-by-step instruction.

  1. Warm up 500 ml. of water or mineral water until it’s lukewarm.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of sea salt.
  3. Fill the nasal cleaner with the warm water, add the salt and stir well.
  4. Insert the nozzle gently into one of your nostrils, then tilt your head to the side, open your mouth and breather through it slowly.
  5. Tilt the cleaner so the water can flow in the nostril and come out of the other side.
  6. Use the whole amount of water, and when removing the nozzle, blow your nostrils slowly.
  7. Repeat the process with the other nostril.
  8. Finally, blow your nose vigorously several times, but make sure it’s one nostril at a time.

In order to avoid mistakes, if you’re doing the process in the bathroom, don’t look at the mirror. Don’t tilt your head from side to side or the water might drain to your throat – it’s not a big problem, but it’s really unpleasant. Don’t open your mouth wide open when breathing – just leave it a bit ajar and relax. Blow the nostrils without capping them – this will prevent too much pressure on the eardrums.

If you’re suffering from high blood pressure, you should replace the salt with Himalayan sea salt. Before using the treatment, we suggest consulting with a doctor first.

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