Dr. Zhan Mitrev’s Medicine For Treatment And Prevention Of Heart, liver And Brain Diseases Which Even Works In Treating Cancer
|This recipe will literally cure your whole organism. It cleans the blood vessels, cures the heart, improves the immune system, cleans the liver, improves the function of the brain, prevents stroke and it is considered to cure cancer.
– 15 lemons
– 12 garlic bulbs
– 1 kg honey
– 400 g wheat germs
– 400 g walnuts
Process of preparation:
Taka 400 g of unprocessed wheat and put in a glass jar. Fill the jar with water and leave it for 10 – 12 hours. Put gauze on top and strain the water from the jar and wash well the seeds. A day later sprouts with a size of 1-2 mm will appear.
In a meat mincing machine, mince the garlic, walnuts and wheat. Then mince 5 whole lemons and add them in the mixture. Make fresh juice from the rest 10 lemons and add it in the mixture. At the end, add honey. Store the mixture in glass jars and keep it in the fridge. You may use it after 3 days.
This medicine cures the whole organism and any known diseases!
How to consume it?
Take 1 – 2 tbsp 30 minutes before every meal (3 times a day). For cancer treatment you should consume 1 tbsp every 2 hours.