Purple Means Cancer Prevention When It Comes To Potatoes

Department of Agriculture in USA conducted a study in which it tested baked purple potatoes and its effect on colon cancer. This study showed that the compounds in the baked purple potatoes might destroy the cells of cancer very efficiently. Scientists from Pennsylvania State University got inspiration for this experiment when noticed that many people … Read more

Dr. Zhan Mitrev’s Medicine For Treatment And Prevention Of Heart, liver And Brain Diseases Which Even Works In Treating Cancer

This recipe will literally cure your whole organism. It cleans the blood vessels, cures the heart, improves the immune system, cleans the liver, improves the function of the brain, prevents stroke and it is considered to cure cancer. Ingredients: – 15 lemons – 12 garlic bulbs – 1 kg honey – 400 g wheat germs … Read more

“Cure Written In The Bible” This Powerful And 3.500 Years Old Remedy Cures All Diseases!

Olive is the most popular vegetable all around the world. The olive tree originates since the beginning of the world and it is used as food and medicine worldwide. These are facts which are familiar to everyone. What most people don’t know is that olive leafs are those which have the most healing properties and … Read more

What Is Kefir And How To Make Your Own Kefir At Home!

Kefir is a traditional fermented food made from milk, full of beneficial probiotic bacteria and yeast. It’s similar to yogurt, but usually more tangy, and sometimes slightly effervescent. Unlike yogurt, kefir can actually colonize your gut with the beneficial micro-organisms you need to have a healthy immune system and well-functioning digestive system. While high-quality yogurt … Read more