If you still can’t give up smoking, use the benefits of this natural remedy to prevent the awful smoker’s cough. If you’ve been smoking for longer than 5
Did you know that sleeping naked is healthier and improves several areas of your life, but only 8% of Americans do it? The following information might change your mind
According to one study, even 48% of parents have noticed this symptom in their children. But most of them thought that it was a glitch in the photograph.
The study adds to existing evidence linking anticholinergic drugs to an increased risk of dementia. Over-the-counter sleeping aids and hayfever treatments can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease,
“People who eat a moderate amount of chocolate daily, have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease,” said lead researcher Dr. Phyo Myint, adding that “Chocolate, if consumed in
The labels of industrial products should be read carefully, and if they don’t say whether they contain gluten or not, you should choose something else for your meal.