Cancer Cure: These 4 Plants Kill 75% of Cancer Cells and Are Much More Effective Than Other Cancer Treatments!
|Blushwood berries are the fruit of the blushwood tree, which is known to grow in only one region of the world: the rainforests of Far North Queensland, Australia.These tropical trees are not found anywhere else on the globe, but grow in abundance near Australia’s northeastern tip.These particular trees need very niche conditions to thrive—conditions which can only be found in specific portions of Far North Queensland, Australia. Study confirms – well, a group of researchers at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, headed by Dr. Glen Boyle, used an experimental drug produced from the seeds of blushwood berries called EBC-46. They used this drug to treat spots of melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) on dogs, cats and horses.
The subjects were diagnosed by veterinarians and given a poor prognosis, most being considered candidates for euthanasia prior to participating in the study. In 75% of cases, the cancer never returns. There were no side effects, and the compounds started working in five minutes, making cancerous melanoma and neck tumors disappear in a matter of days.These results prove yet another reason to protect the lush jungles that are dwindling due to deforestation, but also to restrict the ability of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies from patenting anything that occurs in nature.
You’ll be amazed when we tell you that there are more than 20,000 published reviews and studies with respect to the cannabis plant and its potent and therapeutically powerful cannabinoids—almost 33 percent of which have been published in the last four years. The medical experts claim that cannabis oil is associated with 187 diseases and 77 different pharmacological actions ranging from insomnia, epilepsy, diabetes, stroke, and brain injury to asthma, dementia, fibromyalgia, ADHD, and almost every type of cancer.
A recent study has discovered that cannabis essentially contains a compound that may kill brain cancers that neither chemotherapy or radiation can touch. The experts say that there are over 60 cannabinoids in cannabis, but cannabidiol (CBD is the most powerful one. This compound can inhibit and kill a wide range of cancers in the animal model, including glioblastoma (a difficult-to-treat type of brain cancer), breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancer.
Soursop, or also known as Graviola, is an exotic fruit known for its unique taste that many people say is a cross between strawberries and pineapple. Yes, it’s really delicious and super healthy! But besides being tasty, this fruit possesses amazing medicinal properties. The experts also say that the bark, leaves, and root of the soursop tree have been used for treating and preventing a variety of health problems for hundreds of years now. Soursop is widely promoted as an alternative cancer treatment. The researchers of this study also claim that the effects of soursop leaves in fighting cancer cells are thousands of times better than chemotherapy. What’s even better, they’re much cheaper than the popular treatment for cancer, and the best thing about it is that it does not come with any side effects and complications. It is said that soursop leaves are highly effective against lung, breast, and prostate cancer.
Ann Cameron is an author of many children’s books! But, in this story she has the lead role. Ann became even more famous when she found out that she had colon cancer. She had a surgical procedure in June of 2012, and then she entered the third phase of her cancer. It was especially terrifying because her husband passed away from lung cancer in 2005 after receiving the conventional chemotherapy treatment. But, she decided not to take the same path and declined the chemotherapy treatment. So,she started to make carrot juice from 2.5 kg of carrot every day, and she drank it throughout the entire day.
Ann Cameron shared her inspiring and incredible story on her blog – “Chris beats cancer”. This is a site where people usually share their stories if they were looking or if they found an alternative solution for cancer treatment.Ann said that after 8 weeks, her tumors had stopped spreading. Her tumor and lymph glands began to shrink. And, this is really amazing – four months later, her glands were back to normal and her tumors were continuing their withdrawal. Eight months later, the computerized tomography test showed that the cancer was completely gone.