Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer
I want to introduce you to the seeds of plums, apricots and other fruits that can be effectively used as a natural medication against cancer.
Especially now, when the most recentdata indicates that, each year, there are 3 000 000 new patients diagnosed with cancer.
Therefore, focus all your strength and knowledge to fight this evil disease.
The seeds of apricots, plums and other fruits are rich in vitamin B 17.
The greatest concentration of vitamin B 17 can be found in bitter almonds, apples, apricots,nectarines, pears, plums, cherries, lemons, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and others.
The molecule of vitamin B 17 contains two units of sugar, one of cyanide and one ofbenzaldehyde, which, when released in the human body, only locate themalignant cells.
Malignant cells depend on sugar for growth and maintenance.
Malignantcells contain more beta-glucosidase activity than normal cells in conjunction with cyanide and benzaldehyde from the core.
The enzyme beta glucosidase can be found in very small quantities in other, healthy cells of the body, but it practically doesn’t poison the healthy cells of the body.
Cancer loves sugar and the cyanide found in the seeds (of apricots, plums, apples, etc.) is surrounded by sugar.
When the cancer starts eating the sugar it will get poisoned by the cyanide. It is therefore very important to submit cancer cells to only eating sugar with cyanide.
Consuming any other sugar during the treatment is forbidden.
Daily amount:
One seed for every 2.5 kilos of the person’s weight.
First, measure your body weight, then divide it with 2.5 and you will get your daily intake of seeds. The average amount is around 30 seeds per day.
Each seed should be chewed well and soaked with saliva and then swallowed.
The purpose is, primarily, to help those affected by this terrible disease and to prevent the disease.
With Vitamin B 17 – Amygdalin – Laetrile
Vitamin B 17 was discovered 30 years ago and was a cause of great controversies, when some of the top scientists claimed that once you enter B 17 in your body, it will be 100% certain that you will not be able to develop cancer and most of the people already who had it, will be able to destroy it. Pharmaceutical companies immediately tried to disprove these claims about vitamin B 17, and required from the FDA to investigate and study the B 17. The results of these studies are in the book “World Without Cancer” by Edward Geifina. Powerful drug companies, together with the medical institute, forced the FDA to declare B 17 and all natural products that contain B 17 illegal for selling or presentation. In other words, I can say that vitamin B 17 in tablets and apricot seeds can cure cancer or prevent its occurrence, but you cannot sell the seeds or tablets because I said so. That’s why this site is linked to another site, where you can buy the product on which we testified. This is not only a case with B 17, but also with all the vitamins. If you do not believe this, call the FDA and ask them for the labeling of vitamins. The US government has greatly impeded the flow of accurate information to the public regarding the way major pharmaceutical companies sell their drugs. Is a lack of chemotherapy really what gives you cancer? Is a lack of aspirin the reason for a headache? Of course not!!! Something else is wrong with you, they just cover up the symptoms for a while. They do not treat them. They cannot make money if the body heals with natural foods and vitamins. I do not want to say that you do not need drugs to feel better and get healthy. Even today you cannot get raw apricot seeds in healthy food stores, only dried in the sun where all important enzymes are killed by sunlight.
The seeds of apricots were declared a cure for cancer 35 years ago.
The claims that if you eat 7 apricot seeds per day will prevent cancer were even greater than those that said that you will never get scurvy if you eat an orange a day or if you take vitamin B each day.
Other foods that contain vitamin B 17 are:
Bitter almonds, millet, peas
Bitter almonds tree is prohibited in the US.
The seeds of apricots contain the highest concentration of vitamin B 17 in the world. They could be eaten bitter and are necessary for our diet. The seeds can be added to meals or eaten with a spoon of honey or apple sauce. The seeds can be used in combination with the cancer therapy Leatril. Shops do not sell raw apricot seeds. The FDA has made raids on all stores that had Vitamin B 17 and apricot seeds. You can also get B 17 tablets. One or two tablets (100 mg) per day is an acceptable substitute. As prevention, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered Vitamin B 17) said that 7 or more seeds per day, or 1 to 3 tablets (100 mg), will prevent the occurrence of cancer in the body.
All about vitamin B 17
Seven healthy properties of flax seed
Flax seed is the richest in vitamin B 17. The linseed oil and the flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that have a positive impact on your health. Here are some ways in which flax can help your body:
1.Flax aids in the health of the heart and of the cardiovascular system. Extremely high levels of omega-3 fatty acide reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Fish oil and algae are also good sources of essential fatty acids.
2. Flax helps colon health. It has anti-cancer properties, and as a natural lubricant and a rich source of fiber, it reduces the possibility of constipation.
3.Consumption of flax seed can strengthen immunity. One study found that inflammation of the respiratory system is less serious in children of school age who take less than a teaspoon of flax seed oil a day, than for children who don’t take it.
4. Flax contains fats that are the foundation for the development of the brain. This is particularly important at the time when a child’s brain grows the fastest – before birth and in early childhood. It would be good if the mother takes one tablespoon of flax seed oil a day during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
5.Flax helps skin health. Patients who have dry skin, eczema, or are allergic to the sun, are recommended to consume linseed oil as a dietary supplement.
6.It stabilizes blood sugar levels and can reduce problems in people who suffer from diabetes.
7. The fats in flax can contribute to excess weight loss.
this site is linked to another site, where you can buy the product on which we testified to purchase Vitamin B17 tablets…….This statement was in this article…How do I get to the link to purchase the Vit B17 tablets?