Arab women are known for their perfect spotless skin, but no one knew their secret until now. Their secret is a homemade natural soap that can remove facial
Many people immediately reach for the painkillers whenever they experience a headache, but this is a dangerous habit that can do a lot of damage to your kidneys
Castor oil has numerous beauty and health benefits such as boosting hair growth. The oil is full of vitamin E and omega-9 fatty acids which feed your hair
Parenting is not easy – it may seem simple to some people, but there are difficult situations that require a special approach. Here are 4 key techniques that
According to , every time you inhale cigarette smoke you are burning the tiny hairs covering the lungs. With each cigarette, the hairs are closer to dying
Radish is an edible root with a rich nutritional profile that has been used as a remedy against numerous diseases for centuries. The vegetable is especially helpful against
Recently, a high-court judge in Nigeria finally resolved a nine-year old lawsuit by ruling that popular soft drinks such as Fanta and Sprite can be “poisonous” under some
Let’s be realistic – all of us are trying to save some money every way we can, including replacing the regular lightbulbs with those low-energy white light bulbs.
No one likes to see cockroaches in their home – the nasty critters love moisture which is why they’re often present in bathrooms, sewers, sinks and drains, and
Coriander is a herb that has been used to flavor our meals since ancient times, but it offers numerous health benefits as well. This amazing herb can improve