According to the latest researches, medical experts have found that there are 7 types of food and drink with strong anti-cancer properties and that can stop the cancer
All the people in the world, especially the smokers, know the dangers of smoking and the even worse second-hand effects. But, the statistics couldn’t do anything to stop
According to study, published in the Washington Post, back in the 1974, researchers have stated that THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) could slow the growth of lung cancer cells, breast cancer
We all know how important kidneys are for our health in general. They are the organ responsible for removing all the harmful toxins out of the body and
Fatty liver is becoming a common problem among people. This is all because of the unhealthy lifestyle habits, and all liver problems should be treated as soon as
You need to cleanse your intestines and flush all the excess mucus, fecal material and other different and harmful parasites from them. If you do this method regularly,
They can blame the ISIS terrorist members for the appearing of this deadly disease. Besides the war and the political conflict which stroke Syria for the last
A guy from Britain, Jake Barrett, 22, almost died after using tooth whitening kit. Barrett wanted to have white and perfect teeth just like his favorite Hollywood actor
We all know that during the hot summer days, our feet sweat more. This increases the chances of developing infections in the toe area. So, that’s why many