Drinking Coffee Tied To Lower Risk Of Death

According to a statistics and findings from a 10 year U.S. research, study experts have found that people who drank coffee regularly were less likely to die of many severe and deadly diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. They’ve compared coffee drinkers and those who didn’t drink coffee at all. The study experts have found that the more coffee study participants consumed, the lower the risk of dying, and decaf drinkers showed a similar pattern.

Dr. Erikka Loftfield, one of the lead researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland, says that coffee contains high amounts of healthy and biologically active compounds, including: phenolic acid, potassium and caffeine. She also said that many different studies have also found that coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of overall and heart related mortality.

The study experts used the data from a different study, conducted on almost 90,000 adult participants without cancer or history of cardiovascular disease who were followed from 1998 through 2009. The study participants had reported their coffee consumption, alongside with other dietary and health information, at the start of this study. At the end of 2009, almost 9,000 people died. And after accounting for other risk factors, like smoking, the researchers found that coffee drinkers were less likely to have died during the study, than the nondrinker ones.

Their death risk was lowest for those who drank four to five cups of coffee in one day. According to the results in American Journal of Epidemiology, a similar association was seen among drinkers of decaf coffee as well. The coffee drinkers had a reduced death risk from many severe and dangerous diseases, such as: heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, pneumonia and influenza and suicide. But, according to the researchers, cancer wasn’t in this group. Dr. Erikka Lotfield also mentioned that coffee drinking has also been inversely associated with incidence of certain cancers, like liver. But they didn’t found any relation between coffee and overall cancer mortality. She says that this may be because coffee reduces mortality risk of some cancers, but not others.

According to this study, researchers found that people who consumed two to three cups of coffee per day, had approximately and 18% lower death risk, compared to those reported drinking no coffee. They also discovered that drinking up to five cups per day, or 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, is not associated with any long term health risks. According to a statement by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, you should also know that moderate caffeine intake, up to 200 milligrams per day, is even safe for pregnant women.

Dr. Marc J. Gunter, a medical expert at the Imperial College London, who was not part of the new study, said that there is an accumulating number of studies of very high quality that show that people who drink more coffee to have better health results. He also mentioned that coffee drinking is also correlated with other health behaviors. People who drink coffee regularly may have other healthy habits, like exercising and keeping to a healthier diet as well.

And you should also know that this study doesn’t prove that coffee extends life. Dr. Marc J. Gunter also said that you could also argue that people who are already sick might not be drinking as much coffee. Drinking coffee every day may have also a direct effect on inflammation and cardiovascular health. If you don’t notice and harm or side effects, then just drink coffee as usual. Drinking coffee can be a part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle, and it may even do some good. But we can recommend that non-drinkers should accept this every day habit for health reasons.

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