Choose Your Words Wisely Before You Speak
|Let your words pass through three gates: Is it true, necessary and kind?
I try to live by this but not always successful. Good words to live by though! I think that is a test and lesson, for all of us.
If we carefully use words It would stop a lot of pain for many of us if people would truly ask these questions before speaking.
Always be mindful. Check yourself before you speak because you can’t undo what you’ve done. Always try to see things from the other person’s point of view. Words are powerful and can hurt more than the sharpest of knives. Words that are spoken can never take back, I pray God keeps my words kind, and truthful.
Judge and be judged. Be good and nice with your choice of words, might be the words will fall back on you! A good reminder for most of us. The tounge is so sharp sometimes that it can pierce through even the strongest heart. Is it possible to speak the truth and not to lie, even if you may hurt someone? If there’s only a way to lock the mouth when you’re being emotional.
The preferable order of these three may reveal character traits.
Say your words in a kind way I suppose but sometimes the truth is ugly and mean but it doesn’t stop being true.
Might be true and necessary, not always kind, but sometimes truth is truth, and people need to accept it.